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Search: Posts Made By: corktina
Forum: Galway - Limerick - Waterford - Rosslare 17-09-2010, 07:09
Replies: 63
Views: 235,092
Posted By corktina
oh right so...its not the motorways that are a...

oh right so...its not the motorways that are a threat to IE, Its me.....!!!!

My point throughout is that IE need to wake up and smell the maxpax if they are going to fight Motorway competition. I...
Forum: Galway - Limerick - Waterford - Rosslare 15-09-2010, 21:57
Replies: 63
Views: 235,092
Posted By corktina
yes thats what Im saying..."must try...

yes thats what Im saying..."must try harder"
Forum: Galway - Limerick - Waterford - Rosslare 15-09-2010, 16:20
Replies: 63
Views: 235,092
Posted By corktina
I have told you already my opinion that ireland...

I have told you already my opinion that ireland is different to most countries because of its popualtion spread (lack of it really)and I have demonstrated as requested one example where the rail...
Forum: Galway - Limerick - Waterford - Rosslare 15-09-2010, 14:54
Replies: 63
Views: 235,092
Posted By corktina
It is not a direct route...you have to drive 20...

It is not a direct route...you have to drive 20 miles west before heading North. Noone, except for trucks who are obliged too, uses that route.

I enjoy the relaxing train journey but it doesnt go...
Forum: Galway - Limerick - Waterford - Rosslare 15-09-2010, 12:36
Replies: 63
Views: 235,092
Posted By corktina
Other countries are not that relevant here. They...

Other countries are not that relevant here. They tend to be more populous if they have better rail and motorway.

In any case I nominate the UK. Try to find a motorway from Reading to Birmingham (ie...
Forum: Galway - Limerick - Waterford - Rosslare 14-09-2010, 20:09
Replies: 63
Views: 235,092
Posted By corktina
Its not as simple as one freight train equals so...

Its not as simple as one freight train equals so many lorries.

The freight will have to be delivered to the railhead (by truck as often as not) and loaded. This takes time. Whilst the first wagon is...
Forum: Galway - Limerick - Waterford - Rosslare 14-09-2010, 17:40
Replies: 63
Views: 235,092
Posted By corktina
Railways sure as eggs ARE in competition with...

Railways sure as eggs ARE in competition with Motorwyas and if they donbt buck up their ideas and improve their services they are going to be on a downward spiral.
Forum: Galway - Limerick - Waterford - Rosslare 14-09-2010, 11:02
Replies: 63
Views: 235,092
Posted By corktina
Freight: well, what flows would you suggest there...

Freight: well, what flows would you suggest there might be over this line?

As far as I can see , freight works best with a bulk haul over a long distance.Ireland has neither of these as being an...
Forum: Galway - Limerick - Waterford - Rosslare 13-09-2010, 11:42
Replies: 63
Views: 235,092
Posted By corktina
i don't think thwere will be many (and less in...

i don't think thwere will be many (and less in the future) passengers willing to take a stopping train in the wrong direction only to stand on a cold platform waiting for a connection when they could...
Forum: Galway - Limerick - Waterford - Rosslare 10-09-2010, 16:09
Replies: 16
Views: 42,657
Posted By corktina
three trains a day? what a waste of...

three trains a day? what a waste of resources.....
Forum: Galway - Limerick - Waterford - Rosslare 10-09-2010, 11:05
Replies: 16
Views: 42,657
Posted By corktina
I would imagine that pathing a freight train...

I would imagine that pathing a freight train (were there any) would be extremely difficult now even with the current timetable.

I wonder at the future of this line now, a scorched earth policy being...
Forum: Dublin Cork 06-09-2010, 06:33
Replies: 26
Views: 73,006
Posted By corktina
I would say on most peoples journeys you can more...

I would say on most peoples journeys you can more or less disregard depreciation and maintenance because most people only make the occasional journey. A regular commuter would be a whole different...
Forum: Dublin Cork 05-09-2010, 08:26
Replies: 26
Views: 73,006
Posted By corktina
i dont think he meant the 22Ks, he meant the...

i dont think he meant the 22Ks, he meant the older railcars. which I beleive operate the Cobh Cork Mallow services (some at least).

Surely both platforms are equally curved?
Forum: Dublin Cork 04-09-2010, 18:08
Replies: 26
Views: 73,006
Posted By corktina
and yet the poster im quoting is doing exactly...

and yet the poster im quoting is doing exactly this by not including these items in calculations where he is driving to the station.
Forum: Dublin Cork 04-09-2010, 15:39
Replies: 26
Views: 73,006
Posted By corktina
adding in maintenance and depreciation is only...

adding in maintenance and depreciation is only really relevant if you buy a car just for commuting. Assuming you are going to have a car anyway, it makes sense to make use of it,especially as most...
Forum: Dublin Cork 04-09-2010, 10:19
Replies: 26
Views: 73,006
Posted By corktina
its also way cheaper by car too...has Inter City...

its also way cheaper by car too...has Inter City had its day?
Forum: Dublin Cork 04-09-2010, 10:17
Replies: 26
Views: 73,006
Posted By corktina
this policy should be of no surprise since it...

this policy should be of no surprise since it eliminates shunting moves, something essential for a smooth running regular interval service. Its one of the reasons for switching to fixed formation...
Forum: Galway - Limerick - Waterford - Rosslare 03-09-2010, 19:37
Replies: 63
Views: 235,092
Posted By corktina
amazing to be shutting lines with a Green party...

amazing to be shutting lines with a Green party in the Governament!

Wheres next then?

Limerick to Ballybrophy?
Waterford to Limerick Junction?
Wexford to Rosslare?
Forum: Dublin Cork 03-09-2010, 06:50
Replies: 26
Views: 73,006
Posted By corktina
how can it be downhill to Mallow? It is in...

how can it be downhill to Mallow? It is in Holland or something!

Railcars accelerate quicker and can brake quicker so over a short disatnce i would expect them to be quicker anyway. In any event...
Forum: Galway - Limerick - Waterford - Rosslare 29-08-2010, 04:58
Replies: 32
Views: 77,412
Posted By corktina
Like putting a station in Craughwell (well in a...

Like putting a station in Craughwell (well in a field outside it) instead of Oranmore you mean.... have to agree there. It amazes me that the stattion wasnt built alongside the level crossing just...
Forum: Galway - Limerick - Waterford - Rosslare 28-08-2010, 21:50
Replies: 32
Views: 77,412
Posted By corktina
How would you get 3 1/2 hours? the wrc bit alone...

How would you get 3 1/2 hours? the wrc bit alone takes nearly two! I assume you are advocating a through train to Cork with that timimg and I would doubt you would do Colbert to Kent in an hour and a...
Forum: Galway - Limerick - Waterford - Rosslare 27-08-2010, 14:10
Replies: 32
Views: 77,412
Posted By corktina
Yup. Im a life-long railiac and would love to see...

Yup. Im a life-long railiac and would love to see trains dashing round everywhere, but not at ANY price. If rail travel is to boom in this part of the world then whats needed is investment in the...
Forum: Galway - Limerick - Waterford - Rosslare 26-08-2010, 21:17
Replies: 32
Views: 77,412
Posted By corktina
but the reason why this line cannot be a sucess...

but the reason why this line cannot be a sucess is the way its been built. How exactly do you propose improving the timetable when there are at least two more stations planned? Im sure everyone would...
Forum: Galway - Limerick - Waterford - Rosslare 26-08-2010, 00:45
Replies: 32
Views: 77,412
Posted By corktina
break even? even IE concede it will lose...

break even? even IE concede it will lose millions per year. Even with an efficent owner it can't thrive given the ham-strung way it is built with the Motorway covering the same route only shorter....
Forum: Galway - Limerick - Waterford - Rosslare 25-08-2010, 13:38
Replies: 32
Views: 77,412
Posted By corktina
I fully agree.A park and Ride stattion at...

I fully agree.A park and Ride stattion at Oranmore would seem a good idea but the plans i have heard of do not include a passing loop there and have only a small car park whereas at least a site...
Showing results 1 to 25 of 47

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