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Derek Wheeler 22-02-2007 21:31

What the heck.
Everyone else is talking about it so why don't we.


What do you think of its "exposure" in Croke Park?

I'll start it off. Personally, I think its time to move on. Despite it being a sensitive moment in Irish History, hanging on to this issue will stagnate us as a nation. Accepting and respecting the playing of this anthem in Croke Park will do more for us as a people than any credit card, mortgage, SUV, etc.

Being Irish and patriotic does not mean we have to stand over hardline beliefs.

bigjim 22-02-2007 22:27


I've heard through a few people that a lot of supporters attending the game are playing on sitting for the English anthem which is a disgrace. They will stand for ours (both of them) and just because we've moved across the city, we should afford them the same respect they've given us through the years.

And remember it was played at the Special Olympics and not a peep out of anyone!

Thomas J Stamp 23-02-2007 11:07

I have stood on all three versions of Hill 16.

I don't care.

I support Watford in the EPL. I recall being served in the sinn fein shop in Parnell Square by a lad wearing as Man Utd Jersey.

I have seen many a EPL match in GAA clubhouses.

"Come on you boys in Blue" is, sadly, a English Soccer Chant with the colours switched.

The GAA have red and yellow cards, they have a little board telling you how many minutes added on for injury time, both rules snatched from Soccer.

I'm sure that the people who will be urging a boycott tomorrow will be wearing clothes only bought in the Kilkenny Design Centre and not Next, M&S, Tesco, Debenham's.

God Save the Queen is a minor note in a symphony of Cultural Invasion. The lads from RSF missed their chance, 10 years ago they should have picketed the opening of the Jervis Street Centre (aka "the British Embassy").

Shows over, that's all folks. Rule Britannia!!!

Brian Condron 23-02-2007 13:00

At the end of the day it's only a song. But it cannot be denied that we are becoming more English than the English themselves. I quite like England, I lived there for a year and I visit it regularly for rugby weekends, but I am glad that we are not the same country. Personally I think that Ireland is a much nicer country to live in than England, and it drives me mad when people give out about Ireland and talk about how they do everything better in the UK. It really gets on my nerves when people use British words instead of Irish ones, e.g. going shopping on the "High St" instead of the "Main St." etc. It feels like our Irish identity is being eroded by stealth, and we are reverting to being just a province of the Empire, rather than an independent nation. So in my opinion, that makes me a nationalist. One important factor of being nationalistic and patriotic, is to respect those from other countries, and their traditions. It's not their fault that they weren't born Irish, poor sods ;)

On Saturday I hope that the English who come to Dublin are made feel very welcome, that they will leave with a great respect for the Irish people and perhaps even feeling a bit jealous of our little country. Of course they will be going home with the disappointment of loosing the game, but that can't be helped. :D

Dave 23-02-2007 13:10


Originally Posted by Thomas J Stamp (Post 18032)
I support Watford in the EPL

:D :D :D

GSTQ is the national anthem of a foreign country and the fact it will be played before we play our own national anthem Amhrann na Bhiann should be seen as a celebration of our independance and a chance to be thankful to those who fought and died in order for such a moment to happen.

2Funki4Wheelz 23-02-2007 14:07

Well said Dave. tbh of the people moaning about, how many of them can sing the Irish anthem in full?

I was more upset when Debenhams bought out Roches Stores.

Brian Condron 23-02-2007 14:29

Incidently, does anyone here want to admit to not knowing all the words to the national anthem?

Until the week before the Ireland France game I was one of those people who knew the first two lines and the last line. I made the effort before my first visit to Croker however, and I am now proud to say that I know the entire anthem word for word. I also know all the words to Irelands Call, including the verses! At a push, I can sing the Norwegian National Anthem* and the American National Anthem, and I can hum another 10 or so countries' anthems.

*Listen to the Norwegian anthem, it sounds like a cross between the songs "Deck the Halls" and "I've Been Workin' on the Railroad"!

Colm Donoghue 23-02-2007 14:42

There are only 3 national anthems really,
Amhran na bFhiann,
the russian anthem, so good they took it back after watching reruns of The Hunt for Red October
And obviously that Beatles song the French use

Everything else is

[Billy Connolly] "Were an emerging nation and we don't give a ****

Oisin88 23-02-2007 18:21

I think it's a great song. In fact, I think God should save all the queens!:D

Aphfaneire 24-02-2007 16:07

I have to admit i dont know all the words to are anthem. Even if i did have to learn the chorus for a choir trip to the states, hell i remember theres more cause its seems a bit more popostuous and talks about a war everyone's forgotten. (hell i only learned of the 1812 war with britain and the burning of washington the other month).

But anyway, if we can let it be sung anywhere else for any other sporting event, croke park is no different. Its pathetic in this day and age with at least another 70 years left till we can think of getting the north that we can be so hung up on a bloody song that'll change to "God save the king" in about 15 to 20 years.:rolleyes:

Oisin88 24-02-2007 17:12

Here are the words. Doesn't mention much really, and a hell of a lot easier to take than Rule Britannia, Britania rules the waves....

(How I would only love to have a Briton as a slave:) )


God save our gracious Queen
Long live our noble Queen,
God save the Queen:
Send her victorious,
Happy and glorious,
Long to reign over us:
God save the Queen.

O Lord, our God, arise,
Scatter thine enemies,
And make them fall:
Confound their politics,
Frustrate their knavish tricks,
On thee our hopes we fix:
God save us all.

Thy choicest gifts in store,
On her be pleased to pour;
Long may she reign:
May she defend our laws,
And ever give us cause
To sing with heart and voice
God save the Queen.

Thomas J Stamp 26-02-2007 12:22

as predicted by yours truly the other day:

2Funki4Wheelz 26-02-2007 16:35

:D Look at everyone in their free 02 hats.

There's just too much irony in that pic, I don't know where to start and I guarantee the guy wouldn't understand even if you explained it slowly.

dowlingm 26-02-2007 17:07

Missed the last three verses there :)


Lord grant that Marshal Wade
May by thy mighty aid
Victory bring.
May he sedition hush,
And like a torrent rush,
Rebellious Scots to crush.
God save the Queen!
(as Billy C once said - "oh ya bloody think so!")

Oisin88 26-02-2007 17:31


Originally Posted by dowlingm (Post 18107)
Missed the last three verses there :)

(as Billy C once said - "oh ya bloody think so!")

I must have been reading the clean version

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