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-   -   Irish Rail website does it again (http://www.railusers.ie/forum/showthread.php?t=1975)

Mark Gleeson 08-02-2007 17:45

Irish Rail website does it again
Have a look at www.irishrail.ie

Click on the link above the ticket prices about the weekend disruption


Some one put the intranet address on the internet site genius

Thomas J Stamp 08-02-2007 18:05

Link to Croke Park dosnt work either.

Oisin88 08-02-2007 18:28

憧れのマイホーム、思い立ったらまずは住宅展示場やショールーム巡りから。住まいのプロが家づくりの相談に のってくれます。

is all I have to say about it.

Mark Gleeson 09-02-2007 10:11

Strangely the links got fixed just about the same time as someone in IE visited the forum

StephenM 09-02-2007 11:58


Originally Posted by Mark Gleeson (Post 17573)
Strangely the links got fixed just about the same time as someone in IE visited the forum

Must be Magic. :)

ACustomer 09-02-2007 12:30

Latest from our favourite website under General News:
Item 1: Sunday morning trains to Dublin from Cork, Kerry and Limerick SOLD OUT
Item 2: Travelling to Croke Park? Get there by public transport.

OK: I know that item 2 does not directly contradict item 1, but it looks a bit odd, and highlights the question about the failure to run any specials on a Sunday morning (just because they have 15 trains each weekday does it mean they see no need for specials at wekends?)

Mark Gleeson 09-02-2007 12:34

The 'sold out' line is actually false, its that the 170 odd reserved seats are booked but the other 230 are still available on a first come first served basis

Last time this happened I boarded such a train in Thurles for Dublin and sat in the last coach with about 20 other people in complete contradiction of the notice

There is no reason why hourly on Sunday morning cannot be provided

Mark Gleeson 09-02-2007 12:59

So get how pointless this is

The IE newsletter arrived in my inbox 12:56 telling me the trains are booked out, what use is that??

IE haven't bothered to put the extra commuter trains in the online timetable

And the trains which are sold out actually are not sold out since IE have sold less than half the seats

Mark Gleeson 09-02-2007 19:25

Here we go again, there now are 4 notices about more or less the same thing on the IE site

Note there is no notice of this 19:15 train, its not in the sports specials section

Its a total balls up, trains sitting idle all over the place and IE manage one intercity special


General News

Rail Travel from Galway to Dublin Sunday 11th Feb by Corporate Communications

Due to very heavy demand the Regular 08.25hrs Morning Train to Dublin from Co. Galway Stations on Sunday morning is now completely SOLD OUT.

Iarnrod Éireann wishes to advise people travelling that they will not be able to board this train unless they are in possession of an advance purchased ticket.

There is a limited number of seats still available for travel outwards on Saturday and return on the 19.15hrs Special train from Heuston to Galway on Sunday evening. Tickets can be purchased on this website.

Followers are asked to co-operate with Iarnrod Éireann by availing of alternative transport if they are unable to get a train ticket.

Iarnrod Eireann regret any inconvenience this may cause.

Mark Gleeson 12-02-2007 10:46

And again and this is at the IE end


Gateway Timeout
The firewall did not receive a timely and complete response from the upstream server it accessed in attempting to complete the request. This may be due to one or more of the following:

* An incorrectly formatted response from the web server,
* the web server suddenly became unavailable,
* an overly congested network link between the web server and the firewall, or
* extraordinarily high latency between the web server and the firewall.

The request seen by the firewall was:

* http://www.irishrail.ie/home/
It gets better


Failed to connect
The host could not be contacted. If this persists, you should contact the administrator of the remote site.
Thats a address on the internal CIE network

Mark Gleeson 13-02-2007 11:58

Man these guys are really asking for it

Todays bug

Put in Dublin and any other station into the journey planner, you get

No services available within the specified time period

Put Heuston/Connolly/Pearse in and it works

Oisin88 18-02-2007 19:08

Problem with the DART page too:

Just go to www.dart.ie put in two stations in and then click on any of the links in the bottom of the page you get the text below:

The page cannot be found
The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

Please try the following:

* If you typed the page address in the Address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly.
* Open the www.iarnrodeireann.ie home page, and then look for links to the information you want.
* Click the Back button to try another link.

HTTP 404 - File not found
Internet Information Services

Technical Information (for support personnel)

* More information:
Microsoft Support

Mark Gleeson 19-02-2007 13:40

This one is class


Yes they deleted the page

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