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Fare to Limerick from Ballybrophy
How is the fare calculated between these two stations? Is it via the branch or via the junction line?
Are tickets valid via both routes or only one? |
It seems to be calculated via Limerick Junction now.
Tickets should be valid via either route. |
Right, it seems to have it's own unique system.
The fare quoted at the booking office is €17.50 day return valid either route. The ticket checker on the branch train said the fare is only €6 on a Saturday. He told me to claim a refund. He even gave me the codes for the €6 fare. Can you claim a refund if the booking office charges you too much? |
Maybe the €6 is a promotional fare.
Incidentally a coach company who operate services on the parallel road corridor have a number of promotions including one on Saturdays only for young people. |
Yes the €6 is a special Saturday only day return on the branch. Due to run for 3 weeks.
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