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tigger1962 17-11-2009 15:18

New Waiting Area
Although they used this yesterday, there was no queuing at the 15.20 yesterday... I'm not sure about later times... they were however implementing it today... They checked tickets on entering the "lounge"? and then you were told go to row 2 or three as the seats filled... as soon as the doors opened it was sort of a free for all.. the girl at the door did tell people to wait in their queues but as more people skipped, it became obvious that the system in place was badly flawed!! more like a ryanair flight!!

tigger1962 26-11-2009 14:58

Attempt no 3! Another new queuing system
Ie trying a third attempt at queuing system.

tigger1962 26-11-2009 15:10

this attempt worked reasonably well... They blocked off the sections where people could get through and an ie person prevented people from "skipping" the queue.... we'll see how long that lasts!

tigger1962 08-12-2009 15:11

I've come to the conclusion over the past week that the queues in the waiting area are at the whim of whoever is looking after them. If you are blonde and female staff member god help you if you even try to bypass the Q. If you are male and your name starts with D and ends with n it seems you tell everyone to follow the Q and then let everyone out the door anyway... and basically turn it into a ryanair type Q... everyone for themselves.. :mad:

Colm Moore 08-12-2009 17:44

Two options

1. Empty rows of seats one at a time. Put people with bookings in the front row.

2. Why not set up the waiting area in the order as the carriages?

I don't know how many seats are in the waiting area or if the carriages are numbered, but if the carriages are numbered such that 1 is at the Belfast end and 7 is at the Dublin end, set up the waiting area similarly (they will need 7 laminated A4 pages with the numbers 1-7 and some Blu-tack).

For bookings let all the 1s out, then the 2s and so on. Then let large groups out and then let the people without bookings out. Let first / premier out any time they want to. The only problem is that all the 1s would arrive at carriage 1 at the same time and so on. The carriages can be serviced in the order 1-7.

The last thing you want is all the 7s going first and obstructing the platform for everyone else.

undo 08-12-2009 18:58

The coaches are not numbered in any visible way and also not ordered. I traveled on the Enterprise for the first time two weeks ago. I had a reservation in coach 4. Since nothing was labeled, I just counted from a random end of the train and the fourth coach happened to actually be number 4 - there even was a print-out with my name above my seat.

On the way back, I asked a NI Railways chap on the platform at Belfast Central why the coaches were not labeled on the outside. His reply was "Well, sometimes they are." Brilliant. He happened to know which one number four was that day but he mentioned that they come in random order. Also, this time around, the reservation slips above the seats were from some previous journey.

Why is it actually that in Ireland, there has to be queueing for trains? Why not just let everyone onto the platform as they do everywhere else in the world, have the train come in ready to board, open all doors and let people go to their seats?

dowlingm 08-12-2009 21:40


Originally Posted by undo (Post 52011)
On the way back, I asked a NI Railways chap on the platform at Belfast Central why the coaches were not labeled on the outside. His reply was "Well, sometimes they are."

It would be nice to think that we could simply bin CIE and have NIR run the whole thing but it seems Transfarce have the same attitude to customer needs!

tigger1962 09-12-2009 14:56

There are carriages marked "D" but sometimes not where the reserved seats are!! But it's always the carriage beside the catering carriage.

tigger1962 09-12-2009 15:00

It looks like q out the window again today!

undo 09-12-2009 15:03


Originally Posted by tigger1962 (Post 52055)
There are carriages marked "D" but sometimes not where the reserved seats are!! But it's always the carriage beside the catering carriage.

When I wrote "coach 4" above I meant "coach D" of course. And yes, you are right - next to the catering coach is exactly what the NIR guy said. But having to find it by locating the catering coach first is not exactly user-friendly. Also, I am sure most passengers do not know about that.

tigger1962 09-12-2009 15:16

you are correct, I sometimes point out lost people to the correct carriage. Irish Rail are trying lately by putting signs outside the reserved carriage. I just wish they would do something similar for the waiting area... People climbing under barriers etc to fight for whats normally plenty of seats on the 15.20...

I'd wonder what the 16.50 is like lately..?

its the chaos at the exit thats the real problem. when people are climbing under barriers and forcing their way into the exit. Reserved seats shouldnt have to be forced this way and either should 1st plus so why can't an area be separated for them and then organise the rest into an proper system that allows an orderly exit to the train.

my 2c worth...

that aside they 15.20 is extremely busy today :o looks like people standing!!

tigger1962 10-12-2009 15:10

dark haired girl today for the 15.20, orderly Q!!

tigger1962 14-12-2009 15:11

Another day, another freeforall :( there was an attempt at a q. But when people started bypassing seated ppl, everyone moved forward. Even with someone stating 179 seats on train and would be loads seats, ppl still moved forward.

tigger1962 22-02-2010 15:01

Irish rail are having another attempt at qeueing for the enterprise!!

tigger1962 04-03-2010 15:02

Looks like new area has developed s leak! Half area blocked off

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