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craigybagel 17-09-2007 22:52

Spoke to the guard coming up from Wicklow during the week he said latest IE plan is that rosslare will be LAST to get the 22s, and that Limerick was now first in line to get them?

Incidentally as far as i can tell the platforms on the line cant take 2x22k yet. Certainly Wicklow cant....

Mark Gleeson 17-09-2007 22:55

That mostly rubbish

The Rosslare hold up is due to the re-signaling, the new station in Rosslare and platform extensions as part of the signaling project, that should all be sorted by Easter

Sligo is first, date place and time

Staff at most have 2 week notice of any operational change

Edward Ryan 17-09-2007 23:26

I think Craigy has a point there. I know the new platforms here at Gorey can take 6 carrages of the current trains but aint the new carrages longer? That would make 6 of the new carrages longer than the new platforms.

I know Wicklow Enniscorthy Gorey and one platform at Rathdrum have being renewed but only accomadate the current 6 carrage trains. I honestly can not see IE rebuilding these platforms again so 3 new carrages look like the only option.


James Shields 18-09-2007 06:30

The commuter railcars are all 20m per coach, so a 6-car set will be 180m.

The Intercity railcars are 23m, so six of them become 198m, almost as long as a 7-car commuter train, if such a thing existed. I don't know if that's enough to push them over the current platform lengths.

KSW 18-09-2007 07:18

Dublin Rosslare
I heard the Rosslare line will be getting these new 22000 InterCity in April of 2008 or even December'08.Does anyone else feel that the Rosslare services should be terminated at Connolly Station,Only Gorey services should go behond Connolly. I have to say the new Railcars look very impressive and 23m long. I've seen the inside of the 22000 very bright i have to say.If anybody wants to look at the new trains the website address is www.irishtrainphotos.fotopic.net The seats look comforable and clean. Can i ask what will the catering facilites onboard be like because if there is going to be 3 cars X2 will there be 2 catering facilites for each set. Yes or No. I hope the 06:00 Gorey Sligo service gets one as it deserves at least this. The timetable from Gorey to Dublin needs some serious help. If i miss the 08.50 the next train is 14.10 and 14.50 then 18.50 this is to much a gap. What about a 11am and a 13.10 lunchtime and a 17.10 late afternoon service. What is your view on this..

ACustomer 18-09-2007 08:23

With reference to message no 20 above, where did you get the idea that T21 envisaged hourly off-peak and twoce-hourly at peak? As you say this is simply way beyond the capacity of the line. To the best of my knowledge there was never such a plan (with good reason).

As fer as I can recall the plan is to have 5 trains eventually to Rosslare, plus 2 or 3 as far as Gorey.

Mark Gleeson 18-09-2007 09:59

The timetable as we understand it is that there will be an hourly service at peak and then a train every 2 hours as far as Gorey with a possibilty of 5 trains operating south of Gorey to either Wexford or Rosslare. At the moment out of Dublin if it wasn't for the shortage of railcars there would be 16:40, 17:30 and 18:35 departures today

Sligo line manages fine with a single track with a lot more trains

All services starting or terminating in Gorey will be operated by suburban railcars, services operating further will be Intercity railcars

The bulk of the problems with the Rosslare line are physical due to the hills and curves which are mostly north of Gorey. Cost to fix is in the hundreds of millions

Given a new station is being built in Rosslare at the moment the future of the line is quite secure

The hold is on the resignalling which is generally tied in with platform extensions will be Easter next year at the latest.

Edward Ryan 18-09-2007 10:47

Is there any extra services planned in the December timetable?
The current timetable as far too many gaps in it. Miss the 0850 Gorey Dublin and your next service is not till 1410 then 1450 followed by another large gap till 1850.

paddyb180285 18-09-2007 16:28


here is were I got the idea:


Do you mean 2 or 3 as far as Gorey on top of the five envisaged for Rosslare?
If so,is that each way?

If that is the case you are talking about five trains each way to Rosslare and 7 or 8 trains each way to Gorey.

Mark Gleeson 18-09-2007 18:33

The train every two hours is the 2008/9 situation whatever happens after that is a bit of dream

KSW 19-09-2007 07:46

Why cant Iarnrod Eireann operate the 5 trains each way to Rosslare/Wexford in the December coming.. The new signalling on the line is that what is holding everything up?.. I got on the 13:35 Dublin Rosslare on Saturday and the driver was really pushing it I mean this guy was going the trains max speed.. Arklow Gorey 9minutes NO LIE. But the PA was not on which was a shame. Why cant IE tell all its staff if the train has onboard information then for the love of god use it.

Edward Ryan 19-09-2007 10:31

9 min From Arklow to Gorey is about average. The amount of time allowed between stations is in my opinion is excessive. A recent trip on the 0600 Gorey to Sligo train saw us sitting in most stations 3 to 4 min waiting time.
6 min sitting in Blackrock as the train is allowed 9 min to complete the journey from Dunlaoghaire to Blackrock. Even a stopping DART doesnt take that long.

The 0600 train could depart Gorey at 0615 and still easily arrive into Dublin Connolly before 0800. Its no wonder that as the poster says "97% of commuter trains arrive on time". I mean with timetables like this how could they not arrive on time?.


PaulM 19-09-2007 12:23


Originally Posted by Edward Ryan (Post 25051)
The 0600 train could depart Gorey at 0615 and still easily arrive into Dublin Connolly before 0800. Its no wonder that as the poster says "97% of commuter trains arrive on time". I mean with timetables like this how could they not arrive on time?.

That is exactly why they are on time. Someone can correct but I think if it is within 10 / 15 minutes it is considered on time. Most countries say 5.

In Sweden the trains arrive exactly when scheduled. This frightened me as I honestly didn't know if I was on the right train. I'm not used to such punctuality, you would have trains every 5 minutes going to different places and the only way you know which train to get was the time it arrived. If IE did that here there would be mass confusion (unless they became a decent operator).

ThomasJ 19-09-2007 13:35


Originally Posted by Mark Gleeson (Post 25020)

Sligo line manages fine with a single track with a lot more trains

But Mark, the sligo line doesn't have DART's running off a single track surely this will effect the operation of the Rosslare/Gorey line in future.

Edward Ryan 27-09-2007 20:49

The new trains went down to Rosslare today on a test run.

Thomas Ralph 28-09-2007 21:27

I saw a 22000 three-car set going northbound at Pearse yesterday evening marked out of service.

I don't think there's anything stopping IÉ running six-car 22000 sets down to Rosslare. If the platforms are too short, they'll just do the "please move forward to arrive safely on the platform" trick.

Mark Gleeson 28-09-2007 21:38


Originally Posted by tralph (Post 25350)
I don't think there's anything stopping IÉ running six-car 22000 sets down to Rosslare. If the platforms are too short, they'll just do the "please move forward to arrive safely on the platform" trick.

Thats not allowed for any new train entering service as of this year, older trains are exempt

The new trains may however have selective door opening we don't know

KSW 30-09-2007 22:03

22000 on test run
They look nice, espically when your standing across at Tesco(Gorey) and there's a 3car train across the way. I should have drove to the station and stopped the train just to take a picture (ha ha) Oh and ask him can i see inside for myself

Pierce 01-10-2007 09:18

Rosslare Line
It is true that there will be a 16:00 Dublin-Gorey and returns from Gorey-Dublin at 18:00 can anybody confirm this.

Mark Gleeson 01-10-2007 09:22

Its 16:40 Connolly Gorey does not stop Bray then all stations to Gorey

That is in the timetable but not yet running as there are no trains to run it

No return service

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