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Jamie2k9 29-11-2012 17:38


If you're sprinting from passing loop to passing loop there's only so much time to be made up.
As with most lines

Things should of being improved more. Take the 17.35 down its realy only haveing 4 minutes dropped as it was always in Waterford arond 10 minutes early. 18.35 only seeing 2 mins cut it always arrived 5 minutes early in Waterford. 16.35 being moved 5 minutes but when at 16.35 it was in Waterford around 18.53 with 4 min stop in Kildare, 4 min in Athy, 3 extra in Kilkenny. (not waiting on other trains BTW)

neoncircles 29-11-2012 19:01

I was under the impression some Limk-Dub services would be reintroduced to cut down on stops for Cork trains- though it would seem not!

ACustomer 29-11-2012 20:26

It would be foolish to frame timetables where trains had to acheve absolute maximum performance in every section, ( no allowance for TSRs or the occasional need to use the wheelchair ramps) so I don't agree with the complaints about the Waterford line times. From my experience they are reasonably tight: remember that the advantage from 100mph v 80mph over a 10 to 12 mile section is not goimg to be very much.

Waterford -Dublin is 110 miles of which nearly 80 is on single track. Dublin-Belfast is 113 miles, virtually all double track. Many Waterford trains are timed at 2.10 or 2.15 for 6 or 7 stops; Belfast trains usually take 2.10 or 2.15for 4 or 5 stops. Given the size of the cities involved, I know which route needs to be shaken uop.

Jamie2k9 29-11-2012 20:32

Some of the times I have posted currently have TSR in place ie Thomastown-Kilkenny and Kilkenny-Muine Bheag. TSR are most common between Kilkenny-Waterford and are very rare after Laivstwon North.

Even if they allow for extra time the 7-8 minutes stopped in Kilkenny is not acceptable.

Can't compare Belfast with Waterford mainly becasue of the congestion at either city.


From my experience they are reasonably tight:
What service do you travel on most as a few are tight but most are not.

Destructix 29-11-2012 20:59

www.tippfm.com tomorrow 10am Tipp Today with Seamus Martin I bet my hair on it Virginia O'Dowd will be on it moaning about the loss of the Dublin service. They are lucky they just didn't close the line.

Mark Gleeson 29-11-2012 22:07

Virginia won't be on, but there will be moaning

dowlingm 30-11-2012 03:09

to be honest, some of the moaning would be justified. The morning commuter still leaves Nenagh rather than Roscrea but the evening train did not revert to a commuter friendly time for either town. Putting the line out of its misery would have been kinder to the area and to IE finances.

Can anyone see anything headline worthy here? It seems all nibbling at the edges stuff. I was hoping that people with access to the working timetable and so on could come up with at least one striking innovation.

Will we see a press release from IE announcing that now you can commuter from Carrick on Suir to Tipperary town... sort of... because that's the best they can think of?

laoisfan 30-11-2012 10:16


Originally Posted by longword (Post 69948)
Neatly rules out rail as an option for someone leaving a Park West office at 17:30

Agreed - I commute from Ballybrophy to Park West and generally speaking Park West in the evenings is not great.

laoisfan 30-11-2012 10:18


Originally Posted by Mark Gleeson (Post 69960)
Well we all knew from the start it wouldn't work. It was to be a 6 month trial but its going to struggle on for 9 months

The Nenagh folks are already trying the usual they didn't try, fares, promotion, etc etc excuses. I don't think there is anyone in North Tipp who didn't know and at 9.99 online you can't really complain

130k wasted

Us folks at Ballybrophy reckon Irish Rail should try running it the opposite way instead i.e. Ballybrophy to Limerick via Roscrea, etc etc.

Mark Gleeson 30-11-2012 10:21

Thats always been our view too, Limerick should be the focus, Nenagh Limerick might have a chance

Problem is the line form Nenagh to Ballybrophy is in seriously poor condition and I'd imagine the civil engineer will be the fall guy who calls a halt to service, neatly avoids the minister as safety will always override commercial and politics

laoisfan 30-11-2012 10:28


Originally Posted by Mark Gleeson (Post 69982)
Thats always been our view too, Limerick should be the focus, Nenagh Limerick might have a chance

Problem is the line form Nenagh to Ballybrophy is in seriously poor condition and I'd imagine the civil engineer will be the fall guy who calls a halt to service, neatly avoids the minister as safety will always override commercial and politics

The problem as I see it Mark is that nearly all the services are aimed towards Dublin, which I have no problem with in general. Vast majority of people commute towards there so fair enough.

However, look at Limerick, Cork as examples ( as I commute from Ballybrophy so I am biased ;) ) and there is not one service which would get me down to either place for around 8:00-8:30am in the morning. I would even be willing to drive to either Templemore-Thurles for option to get train to Cork or Templemore-Thurles-Roscrea for Limerick train.

Edit. Commuters from Ballybrophy-Templemore-Thurles are ideally placed to commute to Limerick, Cork & Dublin.

Mark Gleeson 30-11-2012 12:25

There was a morning and evening commuter option Nenagh Limerick

Very poorly subscribed to the point in the evening that the guard would head count at Birdhill and if no one aboard they would simply head back to Limerick avoiding the trek to Nenagh

Destructix 30-11-2012 19:52

Talking to one of the staff in Colbert last week. He was saying they are sure the Ballybrophy to Roscrea side of the line will be mothballed soon.

dowlingm 01-12-2012 05:30

Could leave Nenagh in a similar position to Ennis as was before the Athenry line was reinstated.

2200DMU 01-12-2012 20:36


16.50 Waterford to Dublin will no longer operate
I'm sure Irish Rails excuse for dropping it because of low demand.

I wonder does 25 minutes stopped at stations waiting for train corssings have anything to do with it. 10 in Muine Bheag, 5 in Carlow, 10 in Athy.

It puts an end to daily students using the services from Carlow to Kildare, Athy. 18.15 departure from Carlow was ideal.

If it was moved to 16.20 ex Waterford (17.30 ex Carlow) it would be of real benefit to people.

As posted above every servce will contuine to stop in stations for 3 or 4 minutes as IR have done nothing to address this.

18.05 on Sundays has being arriving in between 20.15-20.20 for the last year so where is the shorter journey times coming from. Notice how they allow an extra 5 minutes to make sure it arrives on time, not on any other Sunday service.

If the 09.10 was going in the other direction there would be plenty of demand but they pick an easy target to drop, good for bid if they cut over the west. Only good news for Waterford line is the DFS is to resume after being dropping in July.

I prodict a revised timetable will take affect by July 2013, Galway will not fill all the evening services in a million years, expect the 19.20 from Cork to go again. Cork schedule will not be able to run to 2h35m ever unless ICR take over.

I wonder how much of a handout CIE will get on Wednesday.

Jamie2k9 02-12-2012 20:31

Didn't notice the extra 5 mins allowd.forthe 18.05. We left Newbridge at 19.58 tonight and were stopped on platform 2 at 20.19. The restriction outside Heuston was lifted last week.

Thomas J Stamp 03-12-2012 16:27


Originally Posted by Destructix (Post 69990)
Talking to one of the staff in Colbert last week. He was saying they are sure the Ballybrophy to Roscrea side of the line will be mothballed soon.

the fact that they left the eveng departure from limerick as it is should tell you all you need to know. perhaps NRP will lobby on it, I will anyway.


Originally Posted by laoisfan (Post 69983)
The problem as I see it Mark is that nearly all the services are aimed towards Dublin, which I have no problem with in general. Vast majority of people commute towards there so fair enough.

However, look at Limerick, Cork as examples ( as I commute from Ballybrophy so I am biased ;) ) and there is not one service which would get me down to either place for around 8:00-8:30am in the morning. I would even be willing to drive to either Templemore-Thurles for option to get train to Cork or Templemore-Thurles-Roscrea for Limerick train.

Edit. Commuters from Ballybrophy-Templemore-Thurles are ideally placed to commute to Limerick, Cork & Dublin.

There is a limerick railcar which does a commuter service in the morning from thurles. In theory it could be pulled back to BB or even Portlaoise. Not sure what the demand will be.

BTW, it is only in the last two weeks that Irish Rail have bothered to hand out posters to local shops here in Roscrea advertising the morning service and the prices. You couldnt make it up.

dowlingm 03-12-2012 17:17


Originally Posted by Thomas J Stamp (Post 70005)
There is a limerick railcar which does a commuter service in the morning from thurles. In theory it could be pulled back to BB or even Portlaoise.

If started from BB or certainly PL then surely that train would deadhead from LTC rather than Limerick as I think the current one does, unless something changed? That would then have to be resolved since you have one fewer train overnighting in Limerick.

The logical extension of a dispatch-from-Portlaoise position would be to dispatch it from Heuston just ahead of the 0625 stopping service.

Heuston dep 0620
Portlaoise dep 0702
Ballybrophy dep 0717
Thurles arr 0735
Thurles dep 0740 (existing diagram as per 2013 draft)
L Jct dep 0807
Limerick arr 0835

Now you have a business service and a commuter service in one train.


Originally Posted by Thomas J Stamp (Post 70005)
BTW, it is only in the last two weeks that Irish Rail have bothered to hand out posters to local shops here in Roscrea advertising the morning service and the prices. You couldnt make it up.

Definitely one of those times you wish IE was FOIable to see who asked for that to happen.

Destructix 04-12-2012 03:17

Just noticed Clonmel will lose one service :O

Suppose I only did read Dublin-Cork/Limerick the other day.

At the moment

Limerick Junction - Waterford

Waterford - Limerick Junction

New Timetable if implemented

Limerick Junction - Waterford

Waterford - Limerick Junction

Starting to think they want this line to fail to cover losses on the WRC and Nenagh lines.

dowlingm 04-12-2012 03:59

Follows a pattern of cutting midday trains, plus presumably a move to a single daily split shift. It's just a pity a bone wasn't thrown in the form of extending that shift pattern to Sunday to facilitate GAA and student travel.

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