on the move |
26-01-2012 17:03 |
Originally Posted by KSW
I'm going to sound very harsh now but 100million on a new line with only 8passengers onboard on every journey is stupid. Iarnrod Eireann can predict passenger numbers doesn't mean the line will exactly do that. Depends on frequency of trains,Are they fast,Connecting to other trains & Comfortable.
That's my option
It's not 8 passengers onboard on every journey, it's an "average" taken over total journeys, not based on on-peak, off-peak factors, special events, bank holidays or other variables like that. An average highlighted for specific effect.
There's more than the profit and loss figures to rail transport, it's a vital connection across cities and countries. The tramlines in Dublin were torn up in the fifties, because those in power thought they weren't needed. Instead, it took 9 years and billions of Euro to plan, construct, and relaunch the city's current tram network, for which Dublin simply couldn't cope without, and it took 34 years and billions more Euro to reopen this line.
I recognise that the line is unprofitable at the present time, but I cannot support the call for raillines to be closed in any form. I wouldn't do it in countries like Greece, so I'm certainly not going to in this country, given it is such a relatively short network. To that extent, I am happy with the news that it will continue to remain open. There are ways of making it more profitable, some of which have been suggested in this thread, the will has to be there though to implement them, from a capable and competent administrative body.