02-04-2008, 10:45 | #1 |
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 378
Limerick and Back 01 04 08
Yesterday 0700 Heuston to Limerick, CDE to the Junction , set 4002 , reserved a seat, but reservation system broke in car C so free for all.
Trip to the junction fine, changed to usual filthy smelly railcar for Limerick [ announcer at the junction banging on about 2A and 2B ... cue many people ... what's a 2A and 2B ? some decent signage would be nice ] Driver good and drove fast, into Colbert more or less on time Lots of railcars hanging around in the roads here Anyway got the 1735 direct back to Dublin same day. [ hoping for a railcar ] Instead I got the weirdest loco hauled set ,,, get this - half [ three carriages ] of a push-pull set hooked up with the DVT next to the loco [ weird ] very very noisy indeed but got to dublin before time [ engine had plenty of power as only hauling 3 carriages ] . Train stopped at fairly often so a 3-carriage intercity got fairly full. Is this fairly normal ? whoops, sorry, should be in it's own thread please move |
02-04-2008, 10:59 | #2 |
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: The Home of Hurling
Posts: 2,708
sounds like they were bringing the set up to Inchicore for maintenance and gave you a lift.
as for moving it, nah, you can hang your head in shame instead. |
02-04-2008, 11:48 | #3 |
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 79
Normal working - see it every night on the way home. Was some older carriages (wooden walls?) a couple of times last week.
LC |
02-04-2008, 17:43 | #4 |
IT Officer
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Greenwich, London
Posts: 1,860
There are signs up at Limerick Junction identifying the near end of platform 2 (near the station building that is) as 2A and the far end as 2B. This distinction is important because there are generally two 2-car 2700s waiting on the platform, one for Limerick and one for Waterford.
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