It's Christmass!!!!
The real point about christmas day not having a bus service is that, as I said above BAC says that no-one has requested it or made a complaint about it to BAC, and they said that just before chirstmas 05 not 1980. You're dammed right that CIE and it's sub companies are stuck in the 1970's, look at the lack of a centre door on new buses and the absolute refusal of drivers to use the ones that do exist on older ones, an issue that goes right back to the early seventies!! This season it seems the ball has started rolling and it's up to the potential passangers to make themselves known otherwise it's too easy for the uinions and the managment to pretend there is nothing to cater for.
And as is also pointed out above we have to get normal Sunday services sorted out. How can BAC pretend there is a reduced service demand on what is now actually the busiest shopping day of the week, which was why the clampers started clamping on Sundays? It is nothing but another example, which can be found in many places within the group, that the unions run the show and passangers are an annoyance that gets in the way.