21-06-2012, 14:02
Local Liaison Officer
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[Article] Report calls for improved access to substance treatment
'Better City for All' report calls for improved access to substance treatment centres in Dublin
Updated: 11:24, Thursday, 21 June 2012
A report on substance abuse and anti-social behaviour has said a contributory problem is the clustering of treatment centres in Dublin city centre.
The 'Better City for All' report also highlighted the fact that the main centres close from 1pm-2pm.
It said there should be better access to treatment options nationally, with more local services close to home.
The report was produced by a strategic response group involving around 13 agencies.
It says that no new planning permissions should be given for off-licence sales in the Dublin city area.
Johnny Connolly, chairman of the group and research officer with the Health Research Board, said treatment centres should review their opening and closing times.
The report also recommends that more services be provided by GPs and says people should be treated and provided support services as close to their home as possible.
It calls for more community-based residential crisis stabilisation and detoxification units, and a reduced number of specialised treatment units.
The report says that gardaĂ* need to be given powers to deal with street dealing of non-prescribed drugs so they can initiate prosecutions.