18-04-2012, 16:57
Really Really Regluar Poster
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 2,146
Enterprise - Brick Injured Driver
The brick was dropped onto the Belfast to Dublin Enterprise train at Bells Lane, Lambeg, at around 8.20pm last night.
A window was smashed and the driver was injured.
The Irish Rail driver sustained a minor injury to his eye, but he was able to complete his journey to Dublin.
The Lisburn Area Commander, Chief Inspector Darrin Jones, said: "This was an unbelievably stupid and dangerous act.
"Not only was the life of the driver placed in jeopardy but also those of the passengers.
"The individuals who dropped that brick need to consider what could have happened had the driver been seriously hurt or if they had caused a tragedy, how would that feel?
"I am urging anyone who knows the identity of those involved in this crime to contact police on 0845-6008000."