20-02-2010, 06:39
Local Liaison Officer
Join Date: Dec 2006
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[Article] Ticket inspector sues Irish Rail
Ticket inspector sues Irish Rail
An Iarnród Éireann ticket inspector has sued the company for damages over two separate incidents where he was allegedly slashed by one passenger in the face with a Stanley knife and bitten twice on the leg by another.
The case by Nigel Broughal (39), of St Anne’s Park, Shankill, Co Dublin, opened yesterday before Mr Justice Iarfhlaith O’Neill at the High Court.
Iarnród Éireann denies negligence, breach of duty or failure to provide adequate security for employees.
Michael Byrne SC, for the rail company, said yesterday that it was also pleading that Mr Broughal had failed to exercise the care, skill and attention the company was entitled to expect from him, and that he failed to take the proper and appropriate conflict resolution techniques in which he was trained by the railway company.
Last edited by Colm Moore : 20-02-2010 at 20:28.