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Unread 17-04-2006, 08:30   #1
Navan Junction
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Default [article] Irish Rail to seek reopening of line to Midleton

Irish Rail to seek reopening of line to Midleton By Tim O'Brien, Mon, Apr 17, 06

Irish Rail will formally ask Minister for Transport Martin Cullen in the coming weeks for permission to reopen the Cork to Midleton railway.

The line is to become part of a €100 million development of the commuter rail network around Cork city, which also includes services on the Mallow line.

The new commuter service is designed to meet the long-term needs of the rapidly expanding east Cork region, to alleviate traffic congestion in and out of the city at peak times and to attract industrial and commercial development.

Documentation formally requesting permission from Mr Cullen is to be lodged early in May and a public inquiry will then be held. It is anticipated that construction work on the Midleton line will begin later this year and commuter services will start in 2008.

The reopening of the line, first announced by then minister for transport Séamus Brennan in April 2003, was included in the Government's €35 billion transport strategy last year.

Transport 21 also provides for five additional commuter railway stations at Blarney, Kilbarry, Dunkettle, Carrigtwohill and Midleton.

After the development of Dublin's Luas the service to Midleton will be the first major extension of the rail network in the Republic for more than 100 years.

At a cost of about €100 million the new Cork commuter service will provide for peak hour services every 15 minutes between Cork city and Midleton, a distance of 20km (12 miles), involving the construction of 10km (6 miles) of new track, three new stations and new signalling

The plan will also involve enhanced services between Cork city and Mallow, a distance of 35km (22 miles), on the main Dublin-Cork line. New commuter trains are to be provided at a cost of almost €30 million.

New park-and-ride facilities are also being planned for new stations at Dunkettle (750 spaces), Blarney (200), Carrigtwohill (450), and Midleton (600).

A study by Faber Maunsell estimated that revenue support would be needed only during the first six years of operation.

The reopening of the Midleton line is part of the Cork Area Strategic Plan (Casp), which was commissioned by Cork city and county councils in 2000. It is also supported by Cork Chamber of Commerce.

Casp contains proposals for further expansion of commuter rail services in the longer term, including extending the Midleton line to Youghal.

That extension is not likely to happen in the lifetime of Transport 21, which covers the period up to 2015.

© The Irish Times
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Unread 17-04-2006, 11:37   #2
Mark Gleeson
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Irish Rail will formally ask Minister for Transport Martin Cullen in the coming weeks for permission to reopen the Cork to Midleton railway
Not quite the minister never actually authorised its closure in the first place, they (Coras Iompar Eireann not Irish Rail) are applying for a works order to gain CPO on certain lands

The project has been held up for years because of lack of funds

Its clearly a slow news day
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Unread 17-04-2006, 17:01   #3
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So it's documentation going to the Minister in "early May" and one presumes the Railway Order process starts after that. Given that the project was given Government authorisation even before T21 (if my memory is correct) is this not all a lot of bureaucratic and journalistic re-hash? Any betting on when there will be some real action (i.e. contracts with construction companies)? July, September, early 2007? Frankly I don't believe anything they say about completion dates. Tossers!
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Unread 17-04-2006, 17:51   #4
Mark Gleeson
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There is a big difference between approval of funding and ability to draw the funding down

November made the funding available, the line cleared November/December, public consultations held in March, works order should be May, public inquiry July/August. There are fixed deadlines to certain stages in the works order process so it will move quickly

Work can start on some sections now, most is in house so no need for tenders
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Unread 18-04-2006, 12:48   #5
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I still don't understand why work on Blarney and Kilbarry stations hasn't started already. These are just additional stations on the existing Dublin-Cork line and the Midleton reopening has no bearing on when they could be put into service.
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Unread 18-04-2006, 22:54   #6
Derek Wheeler
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If you think midleton is bad, what about the poor WRC?

I firmly believe that regardless of Government commitment, IE don't have the resources to deliver this within the T21 timeline. However I dearly hope that Ennis - Athenry actually opens with shiny new stations and relaid track(obviously way behind schedule) along with Midleton. Why? Because while trains are packed to the rafters to and from Midleton, our €35 return trains from Limerick to Galway(or the other way) will be empty. (poor prioritisation)As for Navan? Forget it. A councillor in Ashbourne is already shafting the plan, because he wants it to run via his town. Manna from heaven to this Government. A new study perhaps? 2020 maybe? 2030 even? Who knows? Its all a mess and not even P11 can do damn all about it. Without people caring or taking an interest, this madness will continue. By the way the same Meath councillor mentioned above wrote off the interim P11 Navan-Drogheda solution, but deviating off the precious "direct route" is ok in his book. What a joke.

So far the only people gaining from T21 are consultants and politicians. Looks like the only train going anywhere is the GRAVY TRAIN.
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Unread 19-04-2006, 21:52   #7
Thomas J Stamp
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Default "Never before in the history of the cinema"

In his book "the lost worlds of 2001" Arthur C. Clarke mentions that as a labour saving device pr people in Hollywood should have a special button on their typewriters that would spit out the above quote, thus saving the typists valuable time, as said term was used about 100 times a day on almost every press release. Apart from the fact that he anticipated the advent of the Macro by about thirty years I'm making the point that yes, it was a slow news day and , yes, someone pressed alt + FM and out spat the Middleton story.

For many years we have been familiar with Alt + F44 which spat out the 4 tracking to Kildare.

Press ALT+ CDE and you get (again) the announcement of the new trains for Cork to Dublin, with a special editing tool, ONLY DOWNLOADABLE FROM NASA, whcih allows you to input what month (or year) the new Cork service will come into operation.

As I speak (and type) INTEL are building a new facility in Leixlip called FIB4 which, when constructed, is hoped will be able to seperate the pages and pages of guff from IE about coming railcars, services every two hours here and there, how much money, you know the one, which is attached to the end of every press release from IE about anything as it's getting very embarrasing at the moment as it was last atttached to the press release on the new type of soap being dispensed from the toilets in Heuston.
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