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Unread 05-01-2006, 22:31   #1
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Thumbs down Councillor wants 'special understanding' for rural drink-drivers

Couldn't believe this when I saw it over on boards.ie. I'm absolutely appauled, emails already sent to Bertie, FF and the twat himself

05/01/2006 - 5:18:50 PM

Councillor wants 'special understanding' for rural drink-drivers

A Co Clare councillor has said rural dwellers should be excused from drink-driving.

Fianna Fáil Councillor Flan Garvey said people who visit pubs as their only social outlet are familiar with local roads and drive more carefully and slowly, especially when they have had a few drinks.

The elected local authority member has appealed for a "special understanding" to be shown.

He insists he does not condone drink-driving, but wants allowances made for certain people, such as those who live alone, and who would travel just a few miles to the pub once or twice a week.
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Unread 05-01-2006, 22:39   #2
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I saw that. I hope that one gets dismissed very quickly. Drink driving on rural roads, which are generally badly lit. And allowed to do it.....
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Unread 05-01-2006, 22:50   #3
Derek Wheeler
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Don't be surprised if the next thing he asks for is the reopening of the west Clare railway to take them all home after a feed of drink.

"A rural railway for rural people".

Despite our advancements, we still have the same old parish church politics alive and well in Ireland.
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Unread 05-01-2006, 22:53   #4
Mark Hennessy
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I was disgusted to read that, especially in light of tonights prime time which focused on the carnage on the raods.
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Unread 06-01-2006, 10:07   #5
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Originally Posted by markh
I was disgusted to read that, especially in light of tonights prime time which focused on the carnage on the raods.
That's what I thought. All these TV adds warning about 1 drink and a councillor saying. "Ah go on, they're good drivers."

When I was in a remote-ish pub in Wexford I saw two guys who could barely walk getting into seperate cars and driving. These are the people who "should be allowed" to drink and drive??? I was well "happy" that night and these guys were way worse.
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Unread 07-01-2006, 15:23   #6
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The pubs make a bloody fortune out of these guys. The least they could do is run a minibus in return for their loyal custom.

Even if groups of pubs could run a service they could drop punters off at their doors safely.

I would hold the VFI members responsible for getting drunk customers home safely at night. Afterall, they get them drunk in the first place!

They should take some responsibility for the consequences.

Last edited by MrX : 07-01-2006 at 15:27.
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Unread 08-01-2006, 21:36   #7
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Originally Posted by MrX
The pubs make a bloody fortune out of these guys. The least they could do is run a minibus in return for their loyal custom.
Even if it isn't free, they could offer them at night. Atleast people would get home safely.
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Unread 08-01-2006, 22:51   #8
Derek Wheeler
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The minibus idea for rural areas is and always has been a great idea. From my own knowledge a minibus on standby for local runs from 10pm to 12pm/1am would cost a pub about €150. Maybe not a cost effective idea every night, but definetly a runner Fri/Sat.

I once put this to my local publican and he laughed at me amid the usual banter about staff, light,heat, etc. The pub industry has taken a fortune from society and at every juncture of change or suggested change, they react with indignation and outright refusal, while blaming everyone from the Government to the brewery. The latest trick to defy and seduce the public are the posters that break down a publicans cut from a single pint. This campaign is backed by the VFI, but omits spirits, mixers, dashes, soft drinks and many other highly marked up products.

Time Bar and venue in Naas, run a free bus service around the town at weekends. Some sort of effort at least.

As for drink driving and road safety anywhere, the science of the matter is arguable up to a point. The lack of cross spectrum checking and enforcement (tiredness,drugs) is wrong, the state of some roads and at the end of the day, the law is the law and we have to obey it. This councillor is a tosser and I can't believe the national media didn't pick up on it. If he'd have slagged off a nigerian. pole, ukranian or latvian the media would be all over him. Perhaps this says more about our new found PC and old habits.
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Unread 08-01-2006, 23:28   #9
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Best one I saw was when a pub group lost 10m one year. One reason they blamed for losses was: "Public misconception of good value". That put me off any of their pubs striaght away.
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Unread 09-01-2006, 00:58   #10
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Unreal. This muppet beggars belief !
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Unread 09-01-2006, 02:30   #11
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The entire debate regarding pubs merely reflects the sheer lack of alterbative pastimes and social outlets in much of Ireland. The high prices charged by Pubs are also a three way conundrum, with three groups of pigs scoffing at a very lucrative trough.

1. The state. Given a guaranteed revenue stream through high excise duties. The Irish state is even more addicted to alcohol than the Irish public. Some 10% of Irish Government revenue comes from VAT and Excise duty on liquor.

In such an environment, it is not in their interests to act in the interests of the Irish people. It is not in their interests to take care of their health and take measures to reduce alcohol consumption, or switch consumption patterns in Pubs, Nightclubs and restaurants.

2. The Breweries. High excise duties ensure that we have poor quality beer from three main suppliers. Take Smithwicks for example. Its vile. Budweiser. I would'nt feed it to a dog. These are effectively a cartel in a small open economy like Ireland. A publican gets supplied by Beamish, Diageo or Murphys. You try anything else.....good luck, you don't get supplied.

3. The publicans. The VFI are a cartel. It cannot be proven. Its like the third secret of Fatima, we all know its there, but its existence cannot be proven.

There is no doubt that Ireland has an unhealthy attitude to alcohol. England however, is even worse. Ireland is taking proactive measures to change attitudes, which will take a few years to manifest themselves. The smoking ban was a good start. From personal experience the addiction to alcohol and tobacco go hand in hand. They go well together. Nothing quite like it.

And I can knock back the sauce quite a bit. I hope I know how to handle it most of the time.
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Unread 09-01-2006, 09:13   #12
Mark Gleeson
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I think now folks can understand the difficulty we have dealing with local politcans when you have to deal with totally certifiable headcases such as this guy. Have a look at the stats it country drivers who are most likely to end up in a ditch or wrapped around a telephone poll at 2am

Surely promotion or support of an illegal activity should be an offence in its self
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Unread 09-01-2006, 14:11   #13
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There's a pub between Monasterevin and Athy [ can't remember the name ] that does do a minibus run all night for customers. Great idea.
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