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Unread 25-09-2007, 20:42   #1
Derek Wheeler
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Default New EU Rail Passenger Rights

Did anyone hear B Kenny tonight? The much vaunted EU guidelines for rail customer rights was put before the European Parliament yesterday. Obviously one of the rights refers to refunds for late running trains. Kenny promoted the fact that IE have been doing this already under their secret...oopps... sorry...I mean well known (apparently) customer charter. The FineGael MEP had never heard of it. Matt Cooper had never heard of it and none of the listeners texting in had heard of it. Cooper suggested that IE call the advertising section of TodayFM.

Most regulars around here will know that IE do not promote and in the majority of cases reported to us, don't even inform passengers of the right to a refund. Furthermore the refund is irrelevent to weekly/monthly/annual ticket holders. Kenny cited one incident where IE managers stood on platforms handing out the refund form. We remember that don't we? It was after a raft of complaints from P11 members. Sadly the particular manager that reacted to that has left the company, so the status quo returns.
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Unread 25-09-2007, 20:49   #2
Mark Gleeson
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Needless to say we have known about these magic EU regulations for some time and IE are in for one hell of a shock
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Unread 26-09-2007, 08:25   #3
Mark Gleeson
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Default [article] MEPs agree rules to compensate rail users facing long delays

If I was senior IE management I'd be getting very concerned about this

Remember the customer charter is an admission of failure, if a decent service was provided few if any of the scenarios in the charter would come into play, and of course its not legally enforceable.

Only 18 months to go before it becomes legally enforceable, if IE continue with there current two fingers to the passenger approach they are going to be very badly hurt by legal proceedings and fines

Will they sort themselves out in time, doubtful

MEPs agree rules to compensate rail users facing long delays
Jamie Smyth in Strasbourg

MEPs have agreed new rules guaranteeing rail passengers compensation if they face delays and the right to take their bicycles on to trains.

All cross-border rail services will also be opened to competition from January 1st, 2010, under a new European directive agreed yesterday.

MEPs voted in favour of the "third railway package" following more than two years of tough negotiations with officials from EU member states.

Under the new rules, passengers on cross-border trains in Europe will be entitled to 25 per cent compensation when they are delayed for an hour or more and 50 per cent compensation when a delay is two hours or more. There should also be easier access to rail transport for people with disabilities, with the directive recommending that companies put in place non-discriminatory access rules for wheelchair users.

Bicycle users should also benefit from a recommendation that bicycles should be welcome on trains, provided they are easy to handle and the rolling stock permits.

Barry Kenny, a spokesman for Iarnród Éireann, said the new measures should not have a major impact on the company because it had already introduced a passenger rights charter that guaranteed similar or higher levels of compensation for its customers.
© 2007 The Irish Times
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Unread 26-09-2007, 10:32   #4
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I thought Barry Kenny kinda blew Matt and the MEP out of the water totally. He said the customer charter has been in place for 9 years - is that correct? The MEP (can't remember his name now) came on as if he was all knowledgeable and that this would make a big difference yet he had no idea about this charter!
Can you explain to me how they are in for a hell of a shock?
So what if they don't advertise this, why would they? Airlines don't advertise what your rights are with them
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Unread 26-09-2007, 10:37   #5
Mark Gleeson
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Legal enforcement of refunds for service delays
Right to a refund in cash
Season ticket holders entitled to refunds/discounts
Sets down basic information requirements
Legal deadlines on complaints
A legal definition that the liability is with the operator
Legal requirement to public info on complaints and performance

Requires every member state to form a independent body to oversee that the rules are followed.

The current IE customer charter is worth nothing, its not legal document, if IE break the charter as they do virtually every minute of every day there is no recourse to stop IE. New rules IE screw up they get fined

Last edited by Mark Gleeson : 26-09-2007 at 10:39.
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Unread 26-09-2007, 11:04   #6
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The IT reports that it is for cross-border trains, does this mean it will only apply to Enterprise trains?
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Unread 26-09-2007, 22:50   #7
Derek Wheeler
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Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
I thought Barry Kenny kinda blew Matt and the MEP out of the water totally. He said the customer charter has been in place for 9 years - is that correct? The MEP (can't remember his name now) came on as if he was all knowledgeable and that this would make a big difference yet he had no idea about this charter!
Can you explain to me how they are in for a hell of a shock?
So what if they don't advertise this, why would they? Airlines don't advertise what your rights are with them
The only thing kenny blew was his....I mean hot air.

Our experience based on customer feedback suggests people don't know about it. Texts in the radio show suggest the same. There is very very little advertising to promote it since its inception.

The shock they are in for has already been explained.

They should advertise and promote it.

We don't do airlines here, we do railways.

Any more questions or rediculous ill informed opinions that serve to undermine the integrity of basic customer service?
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Unread 27-09-2007, 09:45   #8
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Any more questions or rediculous ill informed opinions that serve to undermine the integrity of basic customer service? - DW

Is that aimed at me?

I think you should listen to the interview again. Your view of Barry Kenny has obviously dulled your listening skills, neither Matt nor the MP made any of the points Mark made above the most relevant of which would be an independent body who can fine IE. Why isn't a representative from P11 not engaging on the radio with Barry Kenny? Every time I hear him his debating skills murder the opposing side.
What customer feedback have you done? I would contend that any communting for any length of time would know about the refund system.
You still haven't explained why they would advertise this? Can you name other service organisations who advertise refunds if their product fails?
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