17-01-2007, 23:22 | #1 |
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[17-1-2007] 17.35hrs Limerick to Heuston
IR states - 'A replacement locomotive is operating the 17.35hrs Limerick to Heuston, and the train is running 2 hours 40 minutes late'.
There was a locomotive fault in the vicinity of Thurles. This resulted in delays to several Heuston/Cork/Heuston services as far as I know - perhaps someone with precise info can update this? So much for those who advocate locomotive hauled trains!!! At least with DMU's if an engine fails the train does NOT come to a halt. Roll on the Inter City DMU's for more reliable services. This is what the paying customer wants. However if IR had, what are now, spare 071's in locations like Lim Jctn to cover breakdowns a delay of 2hrs 40mins would not have happened. Even a light engine from Inchicore to Thurles takes less than 1hr 25mins!!!! |
18-01-2007, 00:16 | #2 |
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Yes the 17:35 failed on the Dublin side Thurles last night
The 17:30 out of Cork got stuck behind her in the platform, the 18:30 was stuck in the beet sidings just south of Thurles Point to note is railcars can die completely as well, several of the most recent failures where not locomotive related The solution here is to implement single line working to Lisduff |
18-01-2007, 10:19 | #3 |
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Was this the same loco that failed last week?
18-01-2007, 10:20 | #4 |
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17:05 failure last week was not locomotive related
18-01-2007, 12:38 | #5 |
Join Date: Dec 2005
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Ok, was it the same generator van then, Mr Pedantic?
18-01-2007, 13:05 | #6 |
Technical Officer
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Location: Coach C, Seat 33
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17:05 last week suffered a sticking brake on the lead bogie, train able to move but only a slow speed to avoid overheating the wheel. Odds are it was a different van not that it makes a difference
17:35 suffered a plain locomotive failure after leaving Thurles No relationship between them Cause of failure of 17:00 on Monday still unknown |
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