07-03-2011, 13:40 | #1 |
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Program for Government
I read the 64 page program for government published by Fine Gael and Labour.
Not one mention of the words 'Rail', 'Metro', 'Dart'. This is the section on transport: "We recognise the need to rebalance transport policy to favour public transport. We will therefore establish a Cabinet sub-committee on Infrastructure to explore the benefits to the public transport passenger of more diverse bus service provision. A modern high speed transport system is essential to ensure our economic competitiveness. We will support the expansion in range and frequency of high capacity commuter services, which will be subject to cost benefit analysis. Funding will be provided on a once off basis to repair damage done to non-national roads due to recent severe weather conditions. We will review and update the regulation of taxis to ensure that taxi services are recognized as a key component of the public transport system and we will provide for a forum for discussion between the regulatory authorities and taxi providers. We will legislate to regulate the vehicle clamping industry. We will continue to invest in the National Cycle Policy and we will look to extend the Dublin Bikes Scheme across the wider Dublin area and to other cities and integrate the scheme much more effectively with public transport links. The rural transport network is vital for rural communities as a reliable and sustainable transport service. We will maintain and extend the Rural Transport Programme with other local transport services as much as is practicable. We will work with the Aviation Regulator to cut airport charges in order to deliver increased routes, airlines and passenger numbers." The bold highlighted bit is all I can find that would have any bearing on heavy / light rail. Dark days ahead? |
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