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Unread 14-12-2005, 23:53   #1
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Default And People Think Ireland is Anti-Public Transport...

Check out this article. The guy's only other reference for rail based public transport is the Monorail at Disneyland . And we thought Tracey Hogan from the Indo was clueless about rail transport (well he is but not like this guy)

Sprawl & Crawl - Shell game - Steve Eldridge

Published: Tuesday, December 13, 2005 7:59 PM EST

Something just doesn't ring true about the "new" idea for bringing rail to Tysons Corner. The concept of a walkable town center under a canopy of overhead trains is naïve at best. These trains are not like the monorail that quietly hums through the Contemporary Resort at Disney World. These are clanging, squealing heavy rail trains. Ever notice the way these things shake the sidewalk when they go underground? Imagine all that commotion going on OVER you as you stroll along the avenue formerly known as the median of Route 7 with your Tiffany's bag in one hand and your latte in the other. This isn't like "Blade Runner" where everything is smooth and whooshing - it's more like "The Taking of Pelham 123," where real-life trains make a LOT of noise.

Also, the ideas that were put before the public are the same ones that I heard from Dulles Rail officials months ago. Nothing has changed. I have a real problem with the shell-game mentality this project continues to have about it. The public is told that the project is going to cost much more than first planned, but when that information causes controversy, less expensive ways to do things suddenly materialize. Why weren't the less expensive ideas attached from the beginning? Let's not forget that the current price tag is still $300 million more than what anyone has agreed to pay. You could pay for almost half of a downtown Washington baseball stadium for that kind of money.
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