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Unread 03-12-2007, 17:29   #16
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 199
Default Design issue

If it is the case that modern toilets on trains don't lend themselves to a quick solution with a plunger and a mop then you have to question the design criteria that were used.

We all know that almost everywhere in the world you will get vandals trying to break things. If moving from the old hole in the floor model to super whizz bang toilets which can be blocked and put out of commission 3 minutes into a 3 hour journey is seen as progress then bring back the old days is what I say.

I know we don't want to have raw sewage coating the rails (and your future garden furniture), but neither do we want to have toilets that can be decommisioned that easily and cause inconvenience to so many.

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