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Unread 03-01-2006, 22:54   #17
Derek Wheeler
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The luas doesn't operate on xmas day and thats controlled by Connex. JJ Kavanagh & Sons coaches, Aercoach etc don't operate on xmas day either. A taxi has to be prebooked and additional charges are made on xmas day. As I said in an earlier post, the culture of not operating public transport on xmas day, is a culture that has spawned from traditional Irish values and not the boardroom of CIE.

While Im no fan of CIE and on media record to prove it, some of the material here is bordering on the, "blame CIE for everything". Its getting boring. If we want to talk about the lack of public transport provision on xmas day, please have the decency to include all the private operators who dont provide a service either.

Points about businesses operating on xmas day and the amount of cultures that don't celebrate xmas are all valid. But Ive never seen a chinese takeaway open on xmas day. Why? I can only guess that its a mark of respect to our culture. Theres that word again...culture. I suppose CIE came up with the idea that all work and business stops on xmas day.

The committee is working on improving Sunday services on a lot of lines and getting them introduced on lines that need them. Xmas is a whole different ball game. However we won't be doing this by blaming CIE for the war and everything else. We know the mentality. But constant attacks and vitriole on the board achieves nothing. Anyone got any ideas on how to change things within IE in the present circumstances?
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