I get slagging from my fiancee too!
Worst thing is she has relations in Cork, Limerick, Galway, Ballina and Sligo, so I had to have a big long chat with her not long after we started going out about why the WRC is a waste of time. She's done Galway-Cork before by bus so she was a bit emphatic.
I'm marrying a WRC supporter! It's true, love knows no bounds...
I think it's the same with other lobby groups -- this being Ireland everyone has so little faith in our political system that nobody really believes that things can change, so the few who decide to do something inevitably get treated like weirdos.
Having said that maybe what makes us weird is not our interest in trains, but the
Maybe you should point her towards that Margaret Mead quote:
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.