I laughed my head off when I read the title of this thread.
My mates give me an awfull slagging, including one - yes Gerry Pollard, I mean you - who is always giving out about IE - and so does the brother and the siiter in law but Mrsthomasjstamp is of the opinion that its all a waste of time, but its my time to waste. EG, if its me on the internet on a Tuesday night as opposed to going to Parnell Park for a match she's ok with it. She dosnt slag me off about it.
You have hit the nail on the head as to why we are doing the things we are doing to the main page of the site, the message boards, the logo. We are the passengers, we are not trainspotters.
I do not care what kind of train i am on, so long as it is clean, warm in the winter, cool in the summer, there are enough seats, they dont numb your arse and break your back, the lights work, the doors work, the toilet works, the pa works, it turns up on time and gets you to where you are goin on time and there are enough trains at proper times to meet demand.
And that is the Platform11 mission statement.
We are the passengers