Originally Posted by Mark Gleeson
Firstly it is extremely inadvisable for a heavily pregnant women to travel during the rush hour, you need a doctors cert to fly. The age old question of over weight vs pregnant haunts blokes
Mark, i dont normally post but i could'nt let this go!!
There are hundreds of women who MUST travel on the train at peak times because they do work, they do have hospital appointments and they do have lives!!
As Derek has announced, i am working on a campaign at the moment relating to this issue and i would hope that you and i can set up a sub-committee so i can educate you on the fine art of being a women in the modern world? We can stick a cushion up your top with weights in it and give you an idea of what its like to carry that weight around all day.
I assume Thomas J would get in on this one as well, he's plenty of experience with pregnant women.
As for pregnant V fat, you take your chances in this life!