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Unread 18-07-2006, 08:41   #8
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 140

I used to live in maynooth and get the 7:55 train to pearse. I would generally get on the last carriage as its the closest to the exit in town.

Every morning for about a month a heavilly woman would get on the carriage with the same idea that it was closer to the exit. I would get up and offer her my seat which she would gladly take.

Thing is she started to get embarrassed after a week or so of this and would say no its alright to me in the hope somebody else would offer and the sad thing is nobody did. So again I would get up cos she really needed to take the weight off her back.

Not boasting about my manners but where the hell has most other peoples manners gone to???? Its dissappointing to say the least
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