There used to be a DART service on St Stephen's Day until the early 1990's but it was cancelled since no one used it. This is however a bus service
Most of the pubs in town throw out at 8-9pm on Christmas eve and of course Christmas day is the safest day to travel by road. Our transport system is not designed to visit your relatives its all focused on the city centre which is effectively a ghost town on the 25th. I personally cant see running trains on the 25th to be a sound idea, the bus would be a more flexible solution, there was a time they ran for part of the 25th
It would have been impossible to operate a rail service this year anyway as Howth Junction was closed to allow for the removal of a bridge
Dublin Bus and Bus Eireann do run late night services year round which neither Connex or IE do
Now if IE played smart you could run a service on the 26th at tiny cost, its simple, you send out 2 coach trains, all stations unstaffed bar Howth, Connolly Pearse Dun Loaghaire and Bray, stick a conductor on the train for tickets and security