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Unread 14-02-2018, 16:59   #3
Really Really Regluar Poster
Join Date: Jun 2010
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believe it or not, you are allowed to "stick your nose in", as we often hear when there are stories of people being attacked followed by replies of "everyone just walked by, why didn't they help out"
I think a degree of reality here needed here, yes RPU will be harsh (perhaps a bit to much) but those people in the wrong (mistake or not) are often not as polite as they may be in an email to RUI.

in the case under appeal, the award was for false imprisonment as she was detained in an effort to get her to delete a photograph. Again, an irish rail official is an ordinary Joe same as you or I with the same powers and lack of them. if this isnt a false imprisonment then it means that i can pin you to a wall next time i see you taking a pic of me in the street and legally demand you delete it.

this isnt a case where the IE man was asking the lady for her ticket or other things he is lawfully entitled to do.

it would be interesting to see if this is to get to a high court hearing or is quietly settled
Don't really care about the case but rather the 16,000, thankfully IE have decided to appeal and whatever happens hopefully the outcome will mean a much lower pay out.

We get complaints about LUAS as well.
Of course you do. Reality is passengers are in the wrong 90% of the time so they just need to deal with it.

Speaking of which -and anecdotal evidence is the worst kind - there are a lot of complaints on twitter in the last month of fainting on the green line in the morning peak. Cant remember seeing that many before.
Yes since the LCC opened G Line frequency has been reduced and extra trams are going into service only now.

If its not that its delays all day on one or both lines and they have had no real time in most stations for the last week or so.
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