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Unread 02-09-2016, 10:30   #8
Really Really Regluar Poster
Join Date: Jun 2010
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Recovery time and engineering allowance is spread all along the journey these days rather than just at the end.
Unless there is a repeated area with regular TSR's or permanent TSR they are not. Distance between stations is based on average times throughout the year and may leave an extra 30 to 60 seconds as drivers will in many cases not always be the same.

Now it could be different for Connolly but at Heuston it's the end (data on TSR times will back it up) but the fact is the train should not of been able to make up such a delay before the Maynooth padding is factored in.

Then IE have the nerve to add a further 5 minutes based on the draft timetable they plan to implement.

On a recent GAA special the services was timed for 2h15m, a few weeks lather the same service is timed for 2h because the first week was able to make up a 15 minute delay and both weeks they had a clear run. On another service it arrived 15 minutes ahead of schedule.

I fully accept a reasonable degree of recovery but this takes it to far.

Last edited by Jamie2k9 : 02-09-2016 at 10:38.
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