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Unread 01-05-2012, 14:03   #11
Jack O'Neill
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Default Bit on about this...

Originally Posted by daymobrew
Many people have free landline calls so get charged for 1850 and other non-geo numbers.

Before calling LeapCard customer care I looked for the non-1850 number at but no luck.

I emailed customer care and was told: Being pedantic I replied that calls are 30c (not 0.30c - a factor of 100 off) and that landline numbers cost 0c (infinitely cheaper, mathematically speaking).

Anyone know the landline number? Or who I could ask? Is LeapCard under the the Department of Transport? (Leo V is my local TD).

I asked them for the regular number when I was on to them the time Dublin Bus overcharged me. They didn't know it and in fairness to the lad I was talking to he had everything else right, the only thing he got wrong was "there isn't one".

Every phone line is connected to an exchange and it has a number at that exchange, and it really should be public policy that both the LoCall and local numbers be published on everything. If Quinn Direct can do it, so can everyone else...
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