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Unread 24-12-2005, 13:37   #6
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 585

Believe me, Dublin's public transport's LIGHT YEARS ahead of Cork (and possibly other cities in Ireland too)

If Dublin Bus' system is a joke, Bus Eireann's Cork City/Suburban services are beyond a joke.

We've had similar curtailment of routes due to antisocial behaviour. They thought nothing of stranding elderly and other vunerable customers in their homes. Why can't they just do something about the anti-social behaviour if it is a problem e.g. install proper driver protection / CCTV that is actually switched on and get the gardai involved quickly.

We've no electronic tickets, it's all pay at the door nonsense.

They're constantly late, the busses are grossly undersized for the amount of traffic that uses them and would use them if they were remotely pleasant to use.

The "Bus Full - Extra Bus following" lies that scrolls across the display as a bus whizzes past your stop and you end up having to call a taxi in the rain is another unique Bus Eireann Cork practice.

There are a % of drivers who, thanks to management's total fear of the unions, treat passengers/paying customers like dirt and get away with it. If they worked in any other company they'd be long since fired.

I remember as a 15 year old I was entitled to reduced fares. One particularly driver simply wouldn't believe any of my ID. Accused me of using my brothers and I constantly had to pay full fare. I was in a school uniform!!!! When I took it up with the driver he simply threatened to throw me off the bus and get me banned from all BE services.

I took it up (As did my parents) with Bus Eireann and got nowhere.

(This was back in the mid 90s)

Last edited by MrX : 24-12-2005 at 19:53.
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