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Unread 28-07-2010, 15:30   #57
James Howard
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Since these machines first appeared (to me) at Grand Canal Dock 3 or 4 years ago, they have always irritated me.

One serious problem is that even if they manage to read the ticket on the first scan, there is a short random delay in opening the gate. The gate usually slams shut just in front of you and then takes a random time to open.

They also appear only to open if you stand in a paritcular place. Too close or too far and it won't open. You see people all the time doing a little dance looking for the sweet spot.

I think I am a reasonably intelligent person yet in 4 years have never figured out the pattern in how these gates open and close. Not that I give it too much thought but it is a constant irritant.

At least I have managed to get through three months at Connolly without needing to get a new ticket so that itself is progress. The staff at the TaxSaver office must be far and away the best people at Irish Rail given the amount of pissed-off rude people they must have to deal with while remaining unfailingly pleasant and helpful.
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