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Unread 28-03-2006, 12:11   #3
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Speech by Martin Cullen T.D., Minister for Transport at the appointment of the Chairperson of the Road Safety Authority
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27 March 2006

Thank you for joining us today for this important announcement.

It gives me great pleasure to announce the appointment of Mr. Gay Byrne as the Chairperson of the new Road Safety Authority.

I am delighted Gay has taken on the task of working with us on road safety. Gay is a serious person for a serious job. He has earned the recognition and respect of the Irish people. Gay is hard working and committed, always giving 100% in everything he does.

Gay Byrne's career has been characterised by courageousness and professionalism, skills that are needed as we seek to bring about a sea change in driver behaviour. His appointment underlines the seriousness that this Government is giving to road safety and to bringing an end to carnage on our roads.

The team we are putting together in the RSA, with Gay as Chairman and Noel Brett as CEO, is dynamic, focussed and determined. I look forward to working with them and everyone at the RSA.

The process of establishing the RSA is nearing completion.

The RSA will have the legislative and financial muscle to coordinate and advance the road safety agenda. Its remit will be critical, be it through formulating strategies, advising Government, the testing of drivers and vehicles, road safety research and data collection, driver education and the promotion and awareness of road safety in general.

I look forward to naming the full membership of the RSA Board next week.

Once again, thank you for coming today, and I wish Gay, Noel and all their team the very best in their important role.

Thank You.
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