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Unread 24-03-2006, 07:49   #3
Navan Junction
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Default [Ir Times Letter] 24.03.06

Madam, - Michael O'Riordan (Letters, March 23rd) queries the Irish version of the name of St James's Hospital, given as San Séamas on the Luas stop at the hospital.

In my experience, the Irish signage on the Luas and environs is exemplary - accurate, grammatical and above all, natural.

It is clear that pains were successfully taken.

The question of "San Séamas" was extensively discussed on these pages some time ago.

The practice of using "San" in Irish for apostles and foreign saints has the sanction of centuries of usage. - Is mise le meas,

AONGHUS Ó hALMHAIN, Páirc na Seilbhe, Baile an Chinnéidigh, Co Chill Mhantáin.
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