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Unread 23-03-2006, 12:15   #2
alek smart
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Mick O Riordan....Hmmmmm....I wonder .......Could it be the same firebrand who led the Irish Communist Party during the years when it was dangerous to be a lapsed Catholic,never mind a Red Revolutionary....?

However the "San" Sheamuis issue has appeared before in the letters pages and was given the benefit of a very thorough response by the RPA`s ever watchful PR team.

It appears that the RPA are prepared to delve much further back into the Celtic Mishts than even the most Gaelic inspired amongst us.

They appear confident,and are supported in this assertion by some very well qualified and erudite Rev Professors that "San" is indeed a VERY ancient useage for the Anglicised word Saint.

It appears that during excavations around the Carrickmines Castle site and out in the Meath boondocks the archaelogists found scraps of old flyers referring to San Marino...San Lorenzo...San Antonio....San Jose etc etc as well as a mysterious reference to San Pit,which was found along the N81 by a road sweeper attempting to part the grey sea......It`s quite a conundrum and the RPA are concerned that further investigations by their associates in the NRA and the Dail Committee on public accounts could delay completion of their projects leading to the San`s of time running out for them....

In the meantime let us remember our heritage and in the words of the Waltons Programme ..."If ye must sing a song-----Sing an Irish one "
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