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Unread 11-12-2008, 22:48   #11
Derek Wheeler
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Do your numbers, rehearse your speech, rant your rant. But remember the bottom line on this topic is quite simply later public transport. A concept that is still ignored by the railway. Blame the 02. Blame the event organisers. Look like wallies. But at least discuss the topic with some semblence of connection to the real world. Pandering to IEs ideas of providing a service is laughable. Demanding that events finish at a specified time is rediculous. Art is art. Anything can happen. Timing entertainment to fit in with existing public transport is retrograde. Timing public transport to fit in with entertainment is the future. Thats why the buses have done nightlink and nightrider. It needs to be expanded. All this talk of planning permission and strict finishing times is so 1950s its a joke.
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