At the moment it does not but it could be back soon as there is a recently-discovered parcel cupboard on the 22Ks. Don't know if there's any demand to speak of though'.
The discovery of a parcel cupboard on the 22ks, or the demand for Fastrack have no bearing on the matter. As I have stated before no guards - no Fastrack. It is that simple.
Given that some in Railusers Ireland seem to think that freight (incl.Fastrack) is mutually exclusive from passenger trains I don't know whether there is much point in my going on about it but here it is again made simple for certain members of the committee. More revenue from freight (in this case Fastrack) '
should' help keep fares down. Encouraging freight on to the railway makes the case for investing in the railway more acceptable - especially to that large part of the population who never use a train from one end of the year to the next. Given that CIE/IE were charging as much and, in some cases, more to send a letter by train than a passenger it would seem to make sense to remove some of the railcars seats and put in a proper parcels compartment. Will it happen - never! Time to bring on Michael O'Leary or someone like him not some semi-state bureaucrat like the present incumbent at Heuston Station.