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Unread 17-03-2006, 19:01   #4
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I'm betting Michael McGreil visited these forums or and said "oh gee these 29000s aren't the greatest thing since sliced bread if even DUBLIN HAS ALL OF THEM"

Musta figured they were starting to look a little silly asking for 29Ks to do their 3 times a day trunk run from Sligo to Limerick or wherever.

Also, the 3 car sets would be more appropriate (one carraige for each free-travel-pass passenger) than a 4 car 29K.

To me, that WOT had a picture of a 29K Sligo-Limerick/Knock whatever on their frontpage always made me question if anyone there knew what the hell they were talking about or if any of them had ever taken a train (esp 2900) in Ireland. They needed to lose that pic becuase it had already become an embarassment.

Originally Posted by NavanJunction1
Jayz..! Must make sure the Meath on Track 29000 fleet are upgraded too..!
Yes, put a DART on your homepage that's what Navan is meant to get, right? DART beats the nuts off a 29K anytime anywhere. DART to Navan in my view is one of the few things that make sense about T21.

Last edited by sean : 17-03-2006 at 19:08.
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