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Unread 08-03-2006, 23:32   #18
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 632

Originally Posted by sean
My question is, if this were done, and there was an interchage somewhere near Glasnevin, what would the likely effect of 20TPH interchanging with the Metro be on the Metros ridership?
I don't think it'll kill it. The metro is to be 33k per hour capacity. People on these PPT trains would have already been able to change to metroWest at Kishoge for Dublin Airport and then at Heuston for much of the south inner city with the DART and indeed parts of the north inner city with Luas or stay on board to Connolly/Spencer Dock for the IFSC. I actually think the numbers changing from PPT trains would only really amount to DCU students and a handful of others. Nothing that could swamp the system. Most changes will be from Maynooth/Sligo trains who are headed for the north and south inner city. I think we're forgetting just how much 33k people looks like. The DART does only 3 times that number in an entire day. I'd like to see the option but to install two stations on the midland line (and electrify it for Maynooth DARTs) would be considerably expensive. I'd rather direct that cash at quading the Kildare line to Kildare and electrifying that as per the orignal plan and allowing far more 0 change journeys that way, same with Drogheda.
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