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Unread 08-03-2006, 23:32   #17
Mark Gleeson
Technical Officer
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A bit or realism is required with respect to train services through Glasnevin

Dublin Cork services are not going to use the Park Tunnel the time cost is excessive so you need more rolling stock The park tunnel is of primary use before the interconnector is built afterwards. DART services on the Maynooth line are not proposed for the Midland line thus very limited capacity exists on the Drumcondra route.

Connolly and Spencer Dock are small terminals by standards and Connolly will be at its limit with expanded Sligo, Belfast and full responsibility for Dundalk services.

No one can can make any firm plans until the publication of the inquiry report in the Kildare Route Project it may or may not force the issue and its worth waiting

Integration with the Metro is complex and requires a lot of thought and it requires tradeoffs put simply this requries a lot of research into where people are coming from and going to
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