Funny you should say that Thomas. I know where to get those coffee mugs at a great price. After that all we need is a P11 sticker to go onto it. Thats the cheapest and quickest way. However these DART commuters are very trendy and an aluminium finish travel mug might not cut it with them.
As for the fool complaining to T Bibby about his coffee cup.....apparently Dublin Bus prohibit passengers with coffee/tea and this issue was highlighted on radio recently. Dublin Bus excuse related to safety. (hit the brakes and hot drink goes everywhere and discarded cups cause streams of liquid to flow about the bus floor.) But that reasoning could be applied to any train. But trains have tables? DART has none? Railcars have? Well some of them do. Hmm..... a thorny issue. Anyway, modern design has given us state of the art disposable coffee cups that are safe and convenient for the user. Our public transport overlords haven't realised this yet and don't grasp the concept of having a coffee on the way to work. Of course its easy for them in their mercs with cup holders on the dash.