The Maynooth car park is boxed in by the canal and local houses making any extension difficult. Its a double edged sword if it was extended (and we are aware of no plans for Maynooth) it would result in the €2/€5 charge
Let us be very clear here, providing ever bigger car parks is unsustainable, its going to be like the Itchy Lot gag out of the Simpsons, vast car park which takes an age to get out of in the evening.
The solution is proper integrated local area transport, people drive to the station since they have no other option. This is all but too common a problem, Rush and Lusk, Newbridge and so on, a well thought out local bus connecting the town, major housing estates, railway station and other local amenities would go a long way to solve the problem and provide many other benefits to the local area in general, its done elsewhere in Europe but not here.
If you park legally you have nothing to fear from the nosey neighbour types, if they have legitimate need for a space they can apply through the local county council for a space to be marked out. If you block access, park as to cause a hazard etc well you have only yourself to blame