I liked the demonic voice.
"Go back on the net, or theres nothing in it for me"
Very Stephen King ish.....
I know there were a fair few of my customers in the same predicament when Man Utd lost. Or the ultimate win for the bookie......Greece beating Portugal in the Euro 2004 final (1/3 to 4/9). St Louis winning the Superbowl in 2000 (-7.5 points on the Handicap or 1/3 on the match bet). Istabraq loosing against Pridwell at Aintree in 1999 (4/9 Fav beaten), and many more besides on the gambling front. We'd lose, the boss would moan, but it was always a case of the house always wins long term. The whole principle being......."Never kill, just milk, and keep milking".
Once we knew the reason for the losses, we'd do reports that would make Kenny from Southpark (ahem, who killed Kenny) look honest on the spin machine. Life went on.
I should be sympathetic, but to be honest, I was too busy bouncing round the office with a ciggie, a bottle of Chateau Vino Collapso, singing Freddie Mercury off key. I know what its like to be Barry, but I lived vegetarian and roll my owns to get out of that. Bills first, fun second. But not anyone can do that.
And as for Barry, pray for him.
As for Barry, learn from him.
Don't be paying bookies clerks their annual bonuses.
Last edited by dermo88 : 12-07-2007 at 01:48.