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Unread 14-03-2007, 10:00   #6
Thomas J Stamp
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Originally Posted by Oisin88 View Post
What about this then:

Say you want to go from Cork to Heuston on the 07:30 on a weekday morning. The cost on the internet is €56.50 according to the Irish rail website.

Now, if, for example you were to buy a ticket to, say, Tullamore, for €47, and then break your journey in Heuston, and then not get around to travelling on to Tullamore, you have made a saving of €10.50.

Taking the 07:30 to Heuston, having a latte in Cafe ToGo and then and getting onto the 11:10 is a legitamite way to travel......

(canteen isn't seen by Irish Rail staff is it? I should be ashamed of myself public servant and all)

You go from Cork, presumably get off a Portarlingotn and hang around there for a few hours to save €10.50? Take out the costs of the coffess, maybe a bun, a newspaper.... wheres the saving there?

We can show you much better ways of doing it.....

And yes, IE does read the canteen. Mark and myself had a bit of fun yesterday spying in on the spies, we even worked out their names and internal e-mail addresses.
We are the passengers
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