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Unread 26-01-2006, 15:05   #12
Kevin K Kelehan
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: West Tower
Posts: 355

Either a leak or prep work before the mast was errected.

Looking at the ruling it would be difficult to challenge through the Courts;

However if they move the mast to just outside the curtilage of the protected structure the exemption resumes.

Sligo politicians have a tradition of declaring buildings protected structures to stop particular developments; ABP have to make their calls in accordance with the acts regardless of the motivation.

I really feel that building another mast just outside the cuirtilage is the easiest way forward; no local councillor will back IE at the expense of their voter base. Going to court would prove slow and expensive a new mast could be up in a matter of months with the equipment transfered over the course of a weekend from the existing mast to another and the new one would not require planning permission.
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