If you think IE are bad Translink are even worse the sheer volume of cancellations and strange last minute changes is unbelieveable, the only forgiveness is a decent website which actually details the disruption
For start IE and Translink do not operate seperately they share a common rule book and common standards, they share equipment passenger coaches, locomotives and maintenance equipment. IE and NIR have running rights on each side of the border which is quite unique, if IE wanted to run a train from Derry to Dublin they could and they have
A single infrastructure company could make some sense but I hate to say it the track between Belfast and Newry is said to be better than Dundalk Dublin
In reality what you will end up with is a seperation into
1 Dublin Belfast
2 Dublin Suburban
3 All other IE
4 All other NIR
OK it will never happen but if it did you can be sure things would improve on both sides as IE actually can maintain equipment correctly, so all the stuff NIR have lying around (1 * intercity train + 2 * 2250 hp 90mph locomotives) unused could be making money equally you don't see IE 29000 units breaking down while its direct relation the 3CK seems to fall over quite a lot despite the two have virtually the same underfloor equipment
Last edited by Mark Gleeson : 26-01-2006 at 11:38.