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Unread 05-01-2007, 13:23   #9
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Default The new non-irish staff are fantastic!

I have to say that the difference between the old CIE staff and the new non Irish staff who have come on-board recently is shocking.

There are several guys and ladies from various parts of Eastern Europe, one lady who seems to be Spanish (based on her accent) and a few others from various parts of Africa and without exception the service provided by these people is light years ahead of what I'm used to on CIE trains.

They're poilite, well dressed, well presented and seem to actually care about what they're doing.

I have seen members of "old school" Irish CIE staff in the dining car who just looked like you would not want to buy food from them.

There are also a group of older staff (irish ones) who appear on the CityGold trains doing actual catering who I can only describe as excellent too.

Sadly, it's the few "rotten apples" who can't be bothered doing the job properly who give the whole company a bad reputation. You tend to remember the all too frequent incidents where you're treated like something that someone's just trodden on.

Interestingly too, if you approach the dining car and see a perky new member of staff you can usually be sure that the stock check's been done and that they have food.

If it's one of the "old school" types you can be 99% sure they'll have one slightly soggy chicken and stuffing sandwich (if you're lucky) and that's only if they can be bothered looking up from their newspaper.

They are perfect candidates for that Little Britian "Computer Says No" sketch.

Last edited by MrX : 05-01-2007 at 13:27.
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