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Unread 20-12-2006, 18:14   #20
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Originally Posted by NB1 View Post
"If one has normal functioning legs, its an easy integration. This would be considered perfectly acceptable integration between two rail services anywhere in the world."

Anybody with normal functioning legs could also walk between Heuston & Connolly but I would hardly call them integrated !
It's not down to the proximity of the locations. There's alot more too it.
When, at off peak times (and even peak) there is a gap in service of either the luas or the DART there is no attempt at synchronising them. i.e. for me to take the luas from seapoint to my apartment near heuston I can end up waiting 20 minutes for my 15 minute trip into town and then a further 15 minutes for my 10 minute trip on the luas. That's a joke. If it were integrated, the luas would wait for the DART passengers to reach it before leaving. It doesn't.

I actually tend to get off at Tara and walk the 15-20 minutes down the quays.
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