Originally Posted by Dave
prior to T21 was reopening Navan ever openly stated overall government policy or was it just promises made by individual politicians?
It was in Platform for Change... Which appeared at the same time before the last election as T21 has appeared this time..
Originally Posted by Dave
I genuinely do believe most if not all of T21 will be delivered.
I'm sure most of it will be but I have serious doubts about the real timescales involved.
T21 is portrayed as the great leap forward - but it isn't really happening, not in the way the T21 timeline would lead you to believe..
Originally Posted by Dave
It's up to organisations like P11 to keep the pressure on and make sure it is delivered.
And that if not an impossible task, is definately a thankless one. The new road network is being built without any campaigns. The rail network is being dragged along despite the efforts of many.
Unfortunately, focus groups dictate government action, and making sufficient dents at focus group level to ensure movement is easier said then done..
If only the opposition parties would drive forward the public transport issue then we would see movement.