(can I say that here? referring to the statement above, not the person)
Dosen't bother me, it's the modertors call.
Now listen to me carefully...
The Luas integrates at Connolly. I swear to you on Todd Andrew's grave that it does. Please try to accept this. I want so much for you to beleive in this. In fact, I have a personal evangelical-like quest to make you see the truth on this issue.
The Luas trams stop is below the main concourse at Connolly. If you walk through the glass doors at Connolly and look down there are Luas trams waiting there. Right there within IE employee second-hand smoke range.
If one has normal functioning legs, its an easy integration. This would be considered perfectly acceptable integration between two rail services anywhere in the world.
In fact, I can think of places were it's even a worse integration such as the PATH trains stopping one subway station away from Penn Station in Manhattan and you need to buy a subway token to get between the two terminals. How come New Yorkers/New Jerseyites can deal with that and apparently a flight of stairs (free of charge too!) at the end of the concourse at Connolly is not integrated to you?
Connolly? Integrate? Have you ever tried it?
Yes all the time. It is intergrated. It is perfectly acceptable for urban transit mode changing. I can walk to it from the Sligo train, I do it all the time. Luas integrates with DART, Suburban and Mainline Rail at Connolly. It even integrates with a couple of busy Bus Eireann services at that location too. What more do you want in terms of integration? Some kind of quantum field generator which transforms your DART carraige into a Luas Tram as you remain sitting in it while it passes over Butt Bridge?
Better to hop off at Tara and go over to Abbey and hope that the DART you waited 15 minutes for hasn't come at a gap in the luas timetable.
Hey, whatever works for you... Myself, I have no fear of either stairs, escalators or indeed walking past the open door jacks in Connolly to get to Luas. I am perfectly happy with the situation at Connolly as being intergrated as I understand it.
"integrated" doesn't just mean "stops vaguely near."
Indeed...and hence why I have no personal phobia about Connolly and the Luas. You are perfectly entitled to burden yourself with by getting off at Tara Street and walking to Abbey Street as your personal struggle against the unintegrated horror that is Connolly.
If you think Connolly Luas isn't integrated, then you are going to be in for one hell of a surprise when Docklands gets finally "integrated" with the Luas - ala Dr Lynch style and you'll never complain about Connolly not being integrated ever again.
Do also I have to mention CIE "integration" between Connolly and Busaras or would you consider that to be intergrated simply because the employees are all in the same union?
Merry Christmas.