Just a few comments
Originally Posted by Nigel Fitzgricer
Dublin's Luas (and this is what I was talking about) has been cited as a trend setter by city councils in Liverpool, Edinburough and even Belfast.
Funny how British and Irish cities always look to other British and Irish cities for inspiration. In transport evolutionary terms this is called in-breeding. In reality, Dublin's Luas is not a trend setter, but just following the crowd. Just a few examples in France:
Orléans (2000):
Bordeaux (2003):
Strasbourg - 4 lines (1994-2000):
And all the rest:
The Paris Metro was not built in desparation to solve a traffic and planning crisis like Dublin - they had time to do it the way they wanted.
Exactly!! You hit the nail on the head! No transport policy should ever be built in desperation to solve a traffic and planning crisis! That's the problem - the government and other pretentious know-it-alls are doing exactly that because they got caught sitting on their backsides, instead of looking to the future, and always being ahead of the game.
Dublin is years behind Paris for many reasons and not because they are genius and we Irish are always thickos
Somewhat true. But some of our greatest transport problems are caused by our inability (or at least our government's/CIE's inability) to understand basic concepts such as efficient ticketing and integration, as well as some dodgy infrastructure ideas (Port tunnel?? separated tramlines? utterly disgraceful signage - both on our road and public transport network).
Just my two cents.